0:01:30 Unknown_02: Welcome, I am your host Joshua Connor Moon aka just some fucking guy Ejected from 190 services throughout history and voted 8chan's least favorite e-celeb Three years and counting. How is everybody? I guarantee you if you're listening to this right now, you're doing a lot better than I am Unknown_02: That is the gist. I have been... Let me take a step back. Let me take a step back and go to last year, okay? This is a one-year anniversary of a very big change in my life. Unknown_02: I became my own ISP. See, what I realized after being ejected from 189 different services was that I could not ever host a QuickenForums on someone else's infrastructure. I had to take drastic and expensive measures to ensure that every complaint directed at my site would go to me, myself, and I only. 0:02:17 Unknown_02: So I did. It cost me $2,000 Australian dollars a year, so $4,000 cumulative because we've reached that anniversary. Unknown_02: I had to drop about $300 a month for about a year for hardware leases. I had to drop about $2,000 for outright hardware buyouts. 0:03:03 Unknown_02: And I have to pay $700 a month and Co-location expenses for half a rack. That's very expensive. That's several over $1,000 a month I spend less than $1,000 on myself including rent including utilities including shopping expenses including eating out everything that I buy clothes Butt plugs Neko Shota All of it covered under that tarp of less than $1,000 a month. Well, my services for internet infrastructure is more than $1,000 a month. So, I figured, and I was proven right for over a year, that 0:03:41 Unknown_02: If I spent that much, I wouldn't run into problems. But I have run into problems because, and I don't even, for reasons I don't know, it has nothing to do with Cloudflare. It's coincidental that Cloudflare shit itself today. I'm sure they were inspiring new software to snoop on every single packet that traverses this fucking infrastructure. Unknown_02: all internet services hosted around the world, inspected and monitored, nothing to do with me, they could inspect all the packets they want, nothing is illegal. That's the fucking frustrating thing, isn't it? You can obey the law to the letter every single day of your life, and you can get fucked in the process. Doesn't matter how hard you try, doesn't matter how much you abstract yourself from other services, doesn't matter how internet fucking juche you try to be, somebody can complain to somebody else and fuck you over, and that's what happened. They are physically evicting my hardware from their data center, which is why if you're a member of the Matrix server, it's down. It's why if you're a member of, well, you can't even access 1776 Hosting right now, which is frustrating because I would like to contact my customers and explain to them why all their shit is suddenly gone. And the answer is because they pulled the fucking plug, literally ripped the AC adapter out of the wall. 0:04:17 Unknown_02: for every server that I have and the router. So there's no internet, there's no way I can KVM into it, it's just unplugged from the wall. So now I have to find a different provider. And the interesting thing is that the company, I wouldn't name and shame them right now, but I can't because I'm not sure it's their decision. 0:04:59 Unknown_02: They said that their parent company made the decision. So not even them, not even the people who operate the premises, who know the infrastructure, who I talk to whenever I have a problem. The people I've been paying don't have any idea what it is. They can't even tell me. They can't even tell me. They know it's because of a site. They said a specific site violated their AUP. And what that specific site is, I don't know because they can't say. And I asked them, I said, what is, can you at least tell me the specific website? 0:05:32 Unknown_02: And they said, you have to contact the parent company. So I did. I called up the parent company. And a little old lady, little old southern lady picked up and was like, hello. And I was like, I have been, I didn't even know how to start the conversation. I've been kicked off a service provided by a subsidiary company of yours. And she's like, we just print checks. So I emailed the guys back and said, they just print checks. And they said, yes, we know that they print checks. I'm like, well, who the fuck do I talk to in this company if the little old lady answering the fucking phone says that they print checks? So they said call for legal and compliances so I call again and I hang on the entire fucking last hour I've been waiting on fucking hold and I gave up about 30 minutes And so I didn't get to talk to the little old lady again I guess I'll call them tomorrow because they're east coast and east coast is almost hitting 5 p.m So they're not gonna be open past that certainly the fucking lawyers and legal and compliance isn't gonna be open past that So I got a fucking wait a full fucking day to figure out Why I was even kicked off because I don't even know is it the Kiwi farms See, this is the other thing in order to make up that that payment deficit. Well, I'm gonna be streaming for an hour smart asses in order to make up that that payment deficit I 0:06:40 Unknown_02: I had to let on customers, right? That's what you do. You run a business, you let on customers. I have no fucking idea what website. It could have been anything that I hosted, even things I didn't even know I hosted, or it could have been the Kiwi Farms. No fucking idea. Unknown_02: I can't even speculate, because I know we hosted Encyclopedia Dramatica. I don't even know, is Encyclopedia Dramatica down right now? 0:07:35 Unknown_02: I can't spell their fucking name. Encyclopedia... I'm gonna close that down. .rs now. Oh yeah, it's down. That's why. If you want to know why Encyclopedia is down, it's because the fucking server that ran it is thrown out into a fucking ditch right now. Unknown_02: That's why. Unknown_02: I don't even know, I don't even know. So it could have been ED, it could have been, there was a Russian site that got lots of negative attention. Like, I haven't a fucking clue. And I can't figure out, the little old lady who prints checks doesn't fucking know. Who the fuck am I gonna... Who the fuck am I gonna talk to there? 0:08:10 Unknown_02: So, yeah. That's my fucking day. That's my eight minute stream. Unknown_02: I just wanted to say, I just wanted to say how fucking angry I am. So now, now, I'm gonna move to a different data center. But God fucking knows, like, unless I get them to pay for overnight, which is not gonna happen. Those servers weigh a fucking ton. Each one is like 50 pounds. So unless they pay overnight to ship 200 pounds of shit across the fucking country to the new data center, which isn't gonna happen, it could take up to a week. Could take up to a week for physical transportation of these devices to a different data center. And then what? What happens if it gets thrown off there? I'm going to take different steps, obviously. I'm going to multi-home because I have to deal with DDoS now because I'm going to be... I have to multi-home to deal with DDoS because I might as well because I'm spending more fucking money to do this. And then I'm going to apply for my own ASN, which will let me deal with complaints even more tightly than I am now. Because I will very much so be my own ISP once I have an ASN on top of the IP addresses. 0:08:42 Unknown_02: It's just, it's, why isn't Kiwi Farms? Because, because the Kiwi Farms was never parked in that Kolo Center. It was never there. So all the people complaining of that shit, to try and take down the site, like Jonathan Ynee threatening, threatening lawsuits with his fucking LegalZoom faggot fucking lawyer. pay five dollars, five Canadian dollars, five maple syrup bucks to send a fucking template to my service providers to threaten them for defamatory content. 0:09:18 Unknown_02: They said I was a man, they said I was a pedophile because I am, because I take pictures of children in my hallway. They said I lied about my brain tumor, because I do. That shit, that motherfucker, with his fucking little faggot fucking templates, throwing them around like candy to children that he molests. That motherfucker, not even the right host, not even the right data center. Different fucking, different fucking side of the country. 0:09:52 Unknown_00: That's why the Kiwi Farms is up. Unknown_00: So, I hate these fucking people. Unknown_02: I hate these fucking people. I hate fucking trannies. I hate it. I don't care if they nuke this account. Fuck it. I hate trannies. If you're a tranny, I hate you. I think that we should be living under the Third Reich and I think that you should all be thrown in gas chambers because you're fucking mentally ill human parasites that systematically tear at the fabric of society like the fucking draining little maggots you fucking are. 0:10:44 Unknown_02: Just they're all it's always a tranny too. It's always a fucking tranny Every goddamn motherfucking time. It's fucking trannies. Why is chat? Why is it trannies? Why is it trannies every fucking time chat? Why is it? Why is it gotta be like that? Unknown_02: It's like it's like an entitlement, you know what it is, I know what it is. It's that they don't feel Unknown_02: They don't feel like real women. They don't feel like real women. So, in order to placate them, they demand that everybody treat them like women. Without any, any regards to biology, to human nature, to sociology, to the basic fucking appearance of what a woman looks like. I'll give you a hint, being fat and amorphic is not the same as being feminine. It's not the same. You see those fucking bag ladies, people who weigh like 300 pounds and are all doped up on fucking estrogen. That's not what a woman looks like. That's what a fucking freak looks like. That's what those dumpy cat ladies look like, and I wouldn't call them women either. And when people say, oh, you know, real women, biological women, cis women sometimes can't have children. No, if you've never been able to have a child, I'm gonna exempt people who are old and can't bear kids anymore, but if you've never had a child, could never have the capacity, if you're barren, you're not a fucking woman either. There's three types of people. People who can impregnate, people who can get pregnant, And if you're barren and infertile, you're neither. You're a fucking waste of fucking space. I'm tired of this shit. 0:12:06 Unknown_00: I'm tired of these fucking people. Unknown_00: Ruining my fucking internet. Unknown_02: Ruining my fucking internet! All I wanted to do, all I wanted to do was post on the fucking internet and say stupid shit. That's all I wanted. Why the fuck, why the fuck am I in fucking the Ukraine? Because I want to shitpost. Why the fuck am I having to ship shit across the fucking country on a, on a crap shoot to see if this hosting service is going to be any more stable than the last 189. 0:12:39 Unknown_02: Why's it gotta be like that? There's nothing even provocative about this shit. It's not positing a fucking uprising, not challenging the government, not challenging any fucking government. I don't even think my site poses a threat to the DPRK. Kim Jong-un could read my fucking site and agree with it. He'd give it a big old thumbs up. Like yeah, you want to give me the order of Kim Il-sung. This is a party loyalist website. Doesn't pose a threat to Iran, doesn't pose a threat to fucking Israel. What the fuck does it pose a threat to? 0:13:11 Unknown_00: God only knows because they won't fucking tell me. Unknown_00: I was challenging NZ. Unknown_00: I don't know. I don't even think it was New Zealand. Unknown_02: Can you imagine? I would laugh. That would be funny. I would stop being mad if it was actually New Zealand. 0:13:45 Unknown_02: You know what I mean? Because then it's like, okay. Fair game, I guess. You're that fucking mad. Unknown_00: New Zealand would be fair. I wouldn't be mad at that. Unknown_02: Kiwis got me. Oh, you know, it wasn't even the government. It was like the farming co-op who was mad. Unknown_00: I've ruined their brand Didn't I have a contract that couldn't be unilaterally canceled I couldn't I it's true That's true. 0:14:28 Unknown_02: That's why I pay so much fucking money. Very interesting. So I'm gonna have to figure out why Why they felt they could Unknown_02: And to be honest, I was overpaying. I would, you know, this, I'm not, I can't, I try to be optimistic. This would work out in my favor if I got a good chance to get a multi-home going, if I got my ASN working, and if I was paying less, because now I don't have to pay the lease on those servers. I'm gonna be saving $300 a month, and I could be saving, you know, a couple hundred on the actual co-location expenses. I know these guys for some time, so I'm optimistic about that, but. 0:15:00 Unknown_02: It's just it's so it's so fucking mind-numbing Why does it have why it doesn't have to be like that my mind the mind wanders the world wonders Why why are things like this? Unknown_02: Because it shouldn't be that fucking hard. I'm always left wondering I should why why are things this hard this this is Unknown_02: Ordinary, pedestrian kind of fucking shit. It should not be that fucking hard, but it is. Sure is. I can't even blame this one on fucking, uh, payment processors. Payment processor lasted longer than the fucking service. They would rather rip that shit out of the fucking- You know what's funny is that, um... 0:15:38 Unknown_02: In their email to me, they said that staff had been instructed not to let me on premises. Like, without an escort. So, if I showed up at the data center to get my shit, I wouldn't be allowed to. Unless I had an escort from the office at all times. 0:16:11 Unknown_02: In case I was about to Allahu Akbar and Jihad that shit. Unknown_02: Yeah, I don't think you'll have to worry about thanks the last time we spoke I told you very clearly I was gonna be out of the fucking country I don't think I'm gonna take a plane ride home just to punch you in the fucking face you cocksucker motherfucker Reenacting fight club. Yeah, you don't know where I've been Lou. Let us stay in your place Louie like it. Unknown_00: Oh 0:16:48 Unknown_00: Ah, peace be upon me. Thank you. Unknown_00: Okay, just to recap, okay, because lots of people have joined since. Unknown_02: The hosting center, where my shit is physically fucking located, is now throwing my shit out. It's ripping it out of the fucking wall, because it says, your ass gotta go. You're fucking a bad boy. You gotta fucking go. It's not even their decision, because they can't fucking tell me anything about it. They don't even know. They don't even know what decision prompted this. Or if they do, they're not going to tell me. 0:17:23 Unknown_00: I talked to you about Stream Me. Unknown_02: Dude, I can put up with anything. You know what? Stream Me, Stream Me was a data center. And they put up with it until people went after them and their families. I could handle anything. I could handle anything. I can't fucking handle cocksuckers like this. I mean, is it gonna get to a point where I have to like... Who is my angel investor, chat? Who can I contact and get a quarter of a million dollars so I can buy a plot of fucking land in the United States of motherfucking America and host whatever the fuck I want? Who do I gotta contact to make that happen? Keemstar? Dick Masterson? I'm not gonna ask Dick for money. Andrew Yang? Notch? 0:17:54 Unknown_02: Sure, I'm gonna send out fucking emails. That's what I'm gonna do. I need a sponsor in the United States, someone with disposable money who can give me a small loan of a quarter of a million dollars to make a fucking data center in the United States a goddamn motherfucking America so that I can host my fucking Kiwi farms. That's all I want. I want a building With some cables into it, some power, some air conditioning, a fucking box stapled to the fucking ground so nobody can break in and take my shit, and one server, 1.00 servers where the fucking Kiwi Farm is on it. That's my demand. 0:18:39 Unknown_00: That's what I want. Unknown_00: With $300,000, dude, $300,000 would be more than enough. Unknown_02: I'm talking about like a mortgage and shit. You don't need to spend it all to buy the property outright. That would be more than fine. I don't know, I would have to find people willing to host with me. You know who fucking has all this shit? 0:19:11 Unknown_02: Who's the motherfucker who runs... Unknown_02: Stormfront. He's a Floridian. The motherfucker from Stormfront is a Floridian. And he is somehow able to host Stormfront. And he's, I'm sure he's got his own data center. I emailed that motherfucker once upon a time. I was like, hey, hey, Mr. Nazi man. Hey, Mr. Ku Klux Klan man. Can I come hang out with you and your friends? 0:19:45 Unknown_02: Don't fucking answer me. Don Black. The worst possible name for a neo-Nazi. I emailed Don Black of the whatever and whatever in Florida. I asked him. Unknown_02: Let me host with you. My site is basically a neo-Nazi website because we make fun of trannies. And he did not reply. In fact, I think my email bounced. The official email for his hosting service bounced my fucking email to him. So I guess he doesn't, he's not in the business. He's not in the business of Kiwi Farm Storage. I walk up on him and he says, Do you see the sign in the front of my house? It says dead kiwi storage. I'm like, no, I don't see no sign, obviously. And he's like, because storing dead kiwis ain't my fucking business. Store something else. 0:20:19 Unknown_02: McAfee, McAfee, McAfee. I don't know. How do I get in touch with McAfee? Mr. McAfee, I will personally come to Belize and kill hookers with you. I will personally serve as a high-ranking official in your paramilitary organization if you host my goddamn kiwi farms. 0:21:04 Unknown_02: That's what I want. Unknown_00: Not a steep request, Mr. McAfee. Unknown_00: For dick maybe maybe I'll ask him dick I'm gonna be like come to me Asked me to put you through to John McAfee. Unknown_02: Why should I do this? Unknown_02: He's in Cuba. I would host at a Cuba. Why not? Unknown_02: What's Cuba got what's so restricting about Cuba? 0:21:37 Unknown_02: Who's the the pedo that gave money to JF I don't know if I want pedophile money I Unknown_02: McAfee is pretty good about responding on Twitter. Okay, I'm gonna make a tweet. Unknown_02: I'm gonna make a tweet. And you motherfuckers better like and retweet and share and print out on a piece of fucking paper and physically mail to John McAfee and James Woods and whoever else the fuck I send it to. You better do this to me. I have to think of a good list. Unknown_02: And I'll have to write up a white paper, like an actual solicit. Like, read this because I am the most oppressed minority in the world, 190 services and counting, living in the fucking least. Because it's nice and quiet here and I can yell at the top of my lungs at 10.30 in the afternoon. Nobody cares. Because I pay my rent. 0:22:12 Unknown_02: He was medium. Unknown_02: Andrew Torba. Unknown_00: Andrew Torba, this nigga got jokes. Unknown_00: I want to know where that Tom guy from Myspace is. 0:23:02 Unknown_02: No, Kim.com, I don't think Kim.com would do anything unless it personally accessorized his brand. I might be able to get farms.kim.com. No, he's fucking Kiwi. They're not gonna, Kim.com's not gonna give me fucking money when I'm like a fugitive in New Zealand. They would lay that nigga out. They'd throw him in the fucking ocean. Unknown_00: Good luck with that. Unknown_00: Oh man. Unknown_00: Who's Gnome? Oh, oh, it's in the chat! 0:23:43 Unknown_02: You should kill the farms and go paperback or we just gonna show up like one of those old zines where you guys like we do like a Quarterly edition everybody submits paper to the editor and then he makes a zine and he sends it out to everybody that's like a quarterly edition like they used to do with The furry the furry stuff way back when like the Kiwi zine That's old school, you know when the cloud flare went down Unknown_02: I was, Discord also went down because Discord uses Cloudflare, and I was using Tor to post on the Kiwi Farms, which was also down on ClearNet because the Cloudflare was down, and Matrix and Riot to talk to people instead of Discord. I'm like, this is comfy. This is like when the power goes out during a hurricane. Unknown_02: And you're sitting there playing card games to Candlelight. This is the internet equivalent of a hurricane knocking out the power lines. Because you have to use all this other shit to avoid the clear net. 0:24:41 Unknown_00: Try Alex Jones. Unknown_02: Okay, I'm making a list. Let me, let me pull up my, uh, my thing. I'm gonna make a list. Who am I gonna try, who am I gonna beg for money for? This is my, this is, I'm not, I'm gonna... I'm gonna, one, sell hats. Two, sell t-shirts. Three, sell mugs. 0:25:18 Unknown_02: And four, ask these people for money. Unknown_02: Okay, I got John McAfee. I think I spelled that right. Unknown_02: Who's the other one? Who's the other one? The really rich, oh, James Woods. I'm sure he'd love to. Unknown_02: Notch, in all caps, that person says. I'm gonna make this font better. I want some quattrocento, that's my jam. Unknown_02: Bold, 48. Hell yeah, now we're talking. 0:25:54 Unknown_00: Matt Jarboe. Unknown_02: Don Trump Jr. The only non-Jew out of Trump's children. Unknown_02: Sure, why not? Donald Trump Jr. Unknown_02: Joe Rogan. Markiplier. Unknown_00: Joe Tumia. Unknown_00: And pull, I don't know H hand Jim, I don't think you want to help maybe I could co-locate with them I don't think Matt Jarboe has any money to give me unless he wants to bust that fucking Ben Shapiro Peter Thiel is Peter Thiel joke. 0:26:42 Unknown_02: I've heard that name before Unknown_02: Martin Shkreli Yeah, he's in jail Hyde doesn't have any money Carlos Manza low tax Ethan Ralph Soros You imagine the Soros ran Kiwi farms Peter okay fine Peter field. There's also this guy that got mentioned to me The other day let me pull up his name and I'll keep looking at chat I 0:27:18 Unknown_02: I'm dead serious, I'm gonna have to write up a fucking white paper and explain to these people why I am the last bastion of free speech. After me there is nothing. After me, after I'm gone, the Chinese are just gonna roll up the US like a fucking carpet and drag their small Chinese balls across the face of their country. Unknown_02: Naval Ravikant, that's apparently his name. He's on my list. Unknown_00: I'm not gonna ask people I know from They don't want to give me money for it Cosmo, right? 0:28:06 Unknown_00: No, what the fuck the EFS is gonna do if F is gonna say that they're a private company they can do whatever the fuck they want Morrissey I don't know who Morrissey is Unknown_00: Laura Southern. Laura's a woman. Unknown_00: CRP? I don't think CRP is gonna give me money. Unknown_00: PewDiePie! Okay, I'll end it with PewDiePie. Unknown_02: This is my list. If you are a hundred percent, a hundred percent sure. Unknown_02: PewDiePie if you are 100% sure that a different name should be on this list you should be on there on Twitter Otherwise, this is my list pretty good list pretty decent list Elon Musk Elon Musk isn't gonna give me fucking money Fine I'll add Elon Musk just just for the lulz just for the lulz 0:29:08 Unknown_02: I'm gonna have my boys dox these people so I can send them a printed letter. An actual printed letter. Unknown_00: Who will meme me? Unknown_00: What did you say? This guy. Unknown_00: I don't see what he suggested. Floss. Unknown_00: Asked the National Battalion of Ukraine they have a data center and hate trainings. Unknown_02: Oh Man, that's scary. I did that. I don't think I could leave the country again That's an interesting thought though, I didn't know they have data centers Oh, dude, I've sold t-shirts before I don't care about selling I'll show you I Don't want to pull it up, but I sold t-shirts in the last year. 0:30:01 Unknown_00: I Unknown_00: No, it's not a finite amount. Unknown_02: I have to think of a business proposition. I'm dead serious. At this point, if I have to, if I really have to, I'll move back to the US and buy a plot of fucking land and build a fucking data center on it. Unknown_02: I really have to do that in order to fucking exist so that there is no authority To whom I am responsible to I will fucking do it Yeah, I'll buy a 14 branch line court and I'll Keep living here and I'll send Chris on missions. 0:30:52 Unknown_00: It'll be my data center technician. I Unknown_00: Do I land in Texas? Texas is a good bet. Texas, Nevada, Wyoming. Unknown_02: Probably Alabama or West Virginia. West Virginia you can legally host Bestiality. Fun fact. Unknown_02: You can fuck dogs in West Virginia. Unknown_02: Mountain mama. Unknown_02: Fuckin' dogs. Unknown_00: Where's my clip? There it is. 0:31:37 Unknown_00: White girls fuck dogs. That's what a woo means. A woo means white girls fuck dogs. Unknown_02: If you a woo, you're standing in solidarity with all those white women that fuck dogs. What the fuck is with the uwu shit? Unknown_02: Why are so many people doing that? I don't understand. 0:32:12 Unknown_02: doing that. What the fuck? I don't understand. Unknown_01: It doesn't bother me. It's just so many people doing it. Unknown_00: Oh my god. Unknown_00: All right. 0:32:44 Unknown_02: Screaming will still be tomorrow. I don't think I have anything else to say. I'll obviously have to take this down and re-host it on BitChute. So if you missed the first bit, give it a couple minutes. It isn't long. It won't be on BitChute for long. Unknown_00: Anything else? Unknown_00: Talk about guns. What happened to Ralph now? 0:33:15 Unknown_00: Did something else did something what's tomorrow I got my stuff lined up You got banned from PayPal welcome to the club motherfucker Surprise it took that long PayPal is usually the very first thing to go. Oh Unknown_00: Okay, that's it Yep stream tomorrow pray for me You have suggestions for who to solicit sex and money from DMV on Twitter All right 0:34:12 Unknown_00: Catch you next time. Where the fuck is it? Where's my clip at? Oh, there it is. Okay, bye! 0:34:53 Unknown_03: Seven scores, seven more were bound for bad to me And hardly got away before a tempest shook the sea Poseidon sends mighty hordes, slash the sails, straighten the course Sing it all away, the Black Sea Gale-o! Ah-choo! He yawned straight away, he answered with a grin I don't know now where we're going to, but I sure know where we've been The wind comes on, shakes the sky, we press on, face is high Sing it all away, the Black Sea Gale-o! Unknown_03: Vanessa, we sing so loud Vanessa, we sing so proud Vanessa, amidst the howling wind Vanessa, your songs are lost They're weary bodies tossed and pitched up to the rails 0:35:38 Unknown_03: Hey, you can take Lutessa, man, and shake them to the bone Plus the songs they learned at mummy's knee will always bring them home The linden trees strain and bend, storm is gone, rise again! Sing it away! The Black Sea Gale, oh! Lutessa! You sing so loud! Lutessa! We sing so proud! Lutessa! Amidst the howling wind! Lutessa! Lutessa! Your sons are lost! Their weary hands across the deckside! Faces pale! Black Sea Gale! 0:36:43 Unknown_03: Yes, sir. We sing so loud. Yes, sir. We sing so proud. Yes, sir. I'm Mr. Howlin' Will. Yes, sir. Your son's our lord.