0:00:03 Unknown_07: you better bust that if you don't pull that Unknown_07: All the niggas actin' up 0:00:42 Unknown_07: it's gonna be fucking with a nigga like me d to the m to the x last i heard that niggas was having sex with the same sex i show no love the homo thug empty out below the domo slug how you gonna explain fucking a man even if we squash the beef i ain't touching your head i don't fuck with chucks for those that been to jail that's the cat with the kool-aid on Unknown_07: Only know how to be one way, that's the dog I know how to get down, know how to bite Bark very little, but I know how to fight I know how to chase a cat up in a tree Man, I give y'all niggas the fitness to fuck them with me And she crazy Oh my god The number, oh jeez, let me, where's my fucking mic OBS, OBS loves to change my mic volume So it's fucking quiet as shit 0:01:41 Unknown_06: Thank you, D-Lex. Unknown_06: God damn it. People are saying, is the stream quality okay for everybody? That's the main question here. I see people complaining that it's lagging. I might have to multi-cast to YouTube again. I think that's my only option at this point. Unknown_06: Okay, okay. Everybody says it's good. Everybody says it's good, and that's good. Unknown_06: I need DLive to partner me so that I can have adjustable quality so that people in China, China and Vietnam, who don't have good internet because they live in China and Vietnam, can watch my streams and watch the degeneracy of the West before their very eyes. 0:02:31 Unknown_06: So that they are truly thankful for the guidance of Brother Xi Jinping. Unknown_06: So speaking of, what do I want to start with? Because I have a couple, I don't have any fun things today. I just realized I have a buffet of misery and disgust. Unknown_06: and cool cat misery and disgust and and cool cat i tried to find something fun and it did not work the last the last week has been has been shit has been absolute fucking shit for everybody everybody ever all over the place nobody in the last week has had a good day 0:03:21 Unknown_06: And I've determined this through scientific evaluation. So I'm sorry for everybody in the entire world for having the shittiest day, the shittiest week this week. This week of, what is it? Is it May 5th? Unknown_06: No, June 5th. That's right. Sorry, I'm not good with time and date because I don't go outside. All right. I have to kill the fucking stickers in chat. If I see Abigail Shapiro's fucking face one more goddamn time, I'm going to shoot myself in the fucking head. I can't take it anymore. I can't fucking take it anymore. I can't take her fucking face. 0:03:56 Unknown_06: Mumkey, people, yeah, okay, I meant to watch, like, an hour and a half long video on how Mumkey Jones cheated on his wife with a pedophile dog fucker, and I don't think I get it. I don't care. I just don't care. Unknown_05: I'm sorry. Unknown_06: I realize that his whole life is fucked up and shit, and I realize that this is hot gas, but I just, I don't care about Monkey Jones. And nothing I've ever seen has made me want to change my position on that. Because, I mean, it's just like pro-Jared, right? Like, if he's fucking around with this retard bitch, that's basically the pro-Jared story. 0:04:33 Unknown_06: It was his girlfriend, and it's pretty boring. Unknown_06: Well, I think I summed it up fine, though. Unknown_06: Okay, what am I looking at? Okay, let me show my Firefox. I made a tweet about this, and I thought it was funny, but I want to put this, because my tweets get deleted, and my video archives stay up, so I'm going to cover this again, because I thought it was really funny. I don't know why the user Catparty of my web zone, the Kiwi Farms, does this to himself, but he reads Vox. 0:05:16 Unknown_06: And Emily Van Der Werf made this article about being the catastrophist or coming out as trans at the age of 37. Unknown_06: And he has a wife, and I'll get into that in a second. But I really like the fact that it says, okay, by Emily Todd Van Der Werf. Unknown_06: uh and you can contact emily at todd at vox.com because it's hard to change an email address man you know you use your email address for everything and then you suddenly change your name from todd to emily but i mean he put it as his middle name so it's not it's not too much of a difference it's like when my aunt changed her last name But she had a law firm. 0:06:12 Unknown_06: So she just put it as a middle name or something so that it wasn't entirely wrong to keep going by her business name. So he just makes it his middle name. Then he can keep his email address. He doesn't have to change it on all his furry porn sites. Unknown_06: It's all boring shit. One of the things, except for one line in particular. I had never watched this show, and you guys, maybe you guys can fill me in in the chat and tell me what this is. But if I go to control F and I type in The Handmaid's Tale, you can see right here at the bottom, two of 14 matches. This guy talks about The Handmaid's Tale throughout the entire fucking thing about him becoming a tranny. and i really like this i'm gonna see if i can blow this up here we have here we have in front of this out front jc deca deco whatever this advertisement this billboard it's the thing i think for the handsmaid sale because i recognize the dress and says set yourself free it says and in In the background, if you refocus your eyes, you can see the tranny taking the photo. And very poetically, very artistically reflected in the advertisement for this Hulu original film series, The Handmaid's Tale. You can see Emily Todd Dervetov, or whatever the fuck his name is, reflected in it. And it's very beautiful. It's very autistic. 0:07:39 Unknown_06: It's truly a work of fucking art. Unknown_06: The obsession with... Okay, Hands Made Tales is like if they made an all-female hostel movie and made it a TV show. Never seen, but pro-abortion people like the cosplay. Unknown_06: From what I was told, it's very... Like, the plot of it is that... Unknown_06: it's the future, and some sort of catastrophic event has made almost all women on the planet Earth infertile. So the women that are fertile still basically get put into chattel slavery for the rich to breed with. And I don't know what the plot is, but presumably they get set free from their sexual slavery for childbirth. Which, I mean, you know... 0:08:23 Unknown_06: That's really sad. It would really suck to be in that position. But it's like, if you're the only people that can repopulate the planet Earth, like, you gotta fucking do it. You know, no simpies. The only thing that I would disagree with, from what I understand, they're in really shitty, like, American slave era conditions. And it's like, no. Like, if you think about it, those women would be like the most... They would be like queens. They would be like queens. They would live... in an opulent gilded cage with virtual reality machines and the sweetest nectars of foods ambrosia morning lunch dinner and and you know their snacks when they get pregnant and they get the munchies for ice cream ambrosia flavored ice cream and chocolate they go out like They're not gonna, they're not gonna, like, keep them chained up like that. Because, you know, the stress is bad for the children. If the entire point is to breed these women, to repopulate Earth, like, you don't want them all stressed out and shit. Because then the kids are gonna get all fucked up. And you can't repopulate the Earth with fucked up kids. 0:09:46 Unknown_06: So, the whole plot of this show seems fucking retarded. Unknown_08: It's a feminist porno? Ooh. Unknown_08: That sounds about right. Unknown_06: Okay, let me show you how much of a feminist this guy is. I can't talk. There it is. He even put this in like a blurb, like on the left-hand side, so you would know to look for this quote. 0:10:21 Unknown_06: Acknowledging my womanhood also meant acknowledging my tendency towards catastrophic thinking. Unknown_06: I know what he's trying to say. I know what he's trying to say. Unknown_06: Or it's like, I'm doing something really fucking stupid and self-destructive, so that's my catastrophic thinking. But what it sounds like to everybody reading this fucking quote without context is, I'm fucking insane and I make terrible decisions. That's my womanhood. Like, that's how it sounds. That's what he's literally saying, is that he doesn't have any fucking guidance in his life, so he's a woman. Like, I don't know. That's fucking... 0:11:04 Unknown_06: And then he segues from that amazing blunder to, it was telling, I think, that I inserted myself into the handsmaid's tale. I guess where he's enforced pregnant and pregnant Chantel... Chantel slavery. Chantel slavery. Unknown_06: In Gilead, there are no trans women. In Gilead, gender traitors are exiled or executed. So every night at the end of the dream, I died. That's so gay. There's no fucking way he was having dreams where every night he died. That's fucking bullshit. That's some poetic faggot shit that he made up to put in this awful, too fucking long article by Vox. 0:11:39 Unknown_06: Oh, speaking of Vox, we'll have to return to the... Okay, everybody in chat's making fun of me for saying Chantel slavery. That's to be expected, I guess. Unknown_06: We'll get back to Vox, though. Unknown_06: I have like eight different tabs for this one thing I want to talk about the most. The entire reason to get out of bed today is to talk about this shit that everybody else is talking about. But there is a revelation, an update that I was informed about by my man, Will Summer of the Daily Beast, mere seconds before the stream started. So I will have to loop around and address this again. 0:12:12 Unknown_06: uh okay okay this is somebody i don't know anything about i'm gonna i'm gonna start doing this by the way i'm gonna recap on complaints i've received the week of the stream so since we're doing a weekly thing uh i'm gonna do i'm gonna do this where if i get any complaints i'm gonna recap it so let's start with uh this complaint from the second of the year um so this is kind of funny 0:13:05 Unknown_06: We have a sex pest thread in our multi I think our general discussion or multimedia board Articles and happenings where we just keep all the news about all the Hollywood rape. It's up to page 117 but somebody reposted this article about What's his name Unknown_06: Let me click this again. Unknown_06: His name is Yaniv Nahum. And he's a man from Israel who works in Hollywood. Surprise, surprise. And he was accused of rape, basically. Now, he sent in a court order to Google.il, which is the Israeli localization of the Google search engine. 0:13:45 Unknown_06: And the court order said you have to de-index this Kiwi Farms thread in the Hollywood Sex Pest thread for any results for his name, Yaniv Nahum. Unknown_06: And no, there is no relation, as far as I know, to Jonathan Yaniv. This is a different Yaniv. Unknown_06: I even specifically say that this is not Jonathan Yaniv. I was confused at first, too, when I got it. I legit thought that Nahum was like the Jewish name for Jonathan or something. And he had filed a complaint in Israel to try and hurt the site. But no, this is a completely different person. So he gets this thread taken down on the Google Israel for his name. 0:14:28 Unknown_06: And later, and this is what this thread's about, I make a thread just like this saying that Yaniv Nahum Unknown_06: sent this court order saying I have to take down this link to the Hollywood Sex Fest thread. Well, this one is the exact same fucking thing. This is actually a takedown notice for that thread. So the original thread saying about the court order from Israel, from Yaniv Nahum, is now, this is also banned in Israel on the Google results. 0:15:03 Unknown_06: And I assume he's going to pay money again in the court of Israel to get this thread banned from the results for his name. And I'm just going to continually make new threads every time he does this. And he'll have to continually file more complaints in Israel to continue delisting the threads that I create as a response. to the prior takedown. And I'm just going to continue to do this forever until he decides I'm not going to pay the court anymore. I'm just going to pay this fucking retard dog to stop making threads. And then I'll consider it. 0:15:45 Unknown_06: I will consider it. Unknown_06: Okay, he's gone. Chris Bryant, aka Simba Lion. I do believe Simba Lion is his new legal name. This is not a joke. I'm pretty sure he has legally changed his name to Simba Lion. And I'm also pretty sure that the name Simba in Swahili is Lion. So his name is literally Lion Lion Lion. which sounds like a pejorative, like a Trump nickname for somebody who has the name lion in his name. So he's a lion lion. He's a lion symbol lion. And he is a former administrator for Fur Affinity. I don't know too much about him, except from what I've been told after I posted this, 0:16:57 Unknown_06: which was a defamation complaint to google.co.uk jurisdiction great britain the worst god's least favorite island the land of the demoralized broken sodomites and muslim lovers that is the uk Unknown_06: has apparently permitted this complaint to Google so that if you Google Chris Bryant or Simba Lyon in Google CO.UK, they will not show this thread until this thread gets indexed and links to it. Unknown_06: He says, "...the content at this link is libelous, false information provided in text format for the purpose of character damaging the 2013 Defamation Act." 0:17:46 Unknown_06: Second paragraph says, this content at this link shares personal private information, including name, full addresses, full body naked pictures, and much more. Malicious Communications Act of 1988. Unknown_06: Protection from Harassment Act 1997. Unknown_06: So this is a little bit of a contradiction. If something is defamatory... then it can't also be true. And if something is true, by definition, at least in the U.S., it cannot be defamatory. So he sort of impeaches himself a little bit by saying that those two things are simultaneously broken. No, I guess he's not saying that the personal information is liable, I guess. 0:18:28 Unknown_06: It doesn't affect Google.com. None of these affect Google.com. It's just that I keep track of this. Let me actually show you what I do. See, Google... Unknown_06: I use this tool called Lumen. Unknown_06: Google sends all of its complaints that it receives... Unknown_06: Oh, yeah, okay. I thought I got a new one. Unknown_06: Google sends all of its complaints it receives to Lumen. Now, Google used to send me a notice, an email, every time I ever got a complaint in this context directly to me. They no longer do this, and they only send it to Lumen. 0:19:07 Unknown_06: So I've actually emailed the Stanford Center for Internet and Society, which runs Lumen, and I've asked them for a researcher account because they have a really obnoxious way of retrieving information, and it's wearing my fucking patience pretty thin. So... Unknown_06: I've done that, and they said no. And it's really obvious talking to them that they have no interest in talking to me. They probably know who I am. They probably hate me. But I'm not going to stop until they give me what I want. Because right now, this is the only way I can pull up complaints against my own website because they refuse to tell me about complaints that my website has received to Google. Okay. 0:19:40 Unknown_06: I need a fake .edu address. Unknown_08: I have a real .edu address. Unknown_08: Have I thought about doing my bullshit in Vietnam? Unknown_06: Yes. 0:20:13 Unknown_06: Vietnam, it's like all those countries, it's like, yeah, I could host the fucking site and stuff in Nambia, but you're only going to be able to host there as long as the government permits you to. In the U.S., you can at least fight it a little bit. Unknown_08: hate me because they probably have trannies. Unknown_06: Watch, I'll pull this up and go to Google. Stanford Center for Internet and Society. Unknown_06: There's CyberLaw at stanford.edu. Unknown_08: Let's see by name. 0:20:54 Unknown_06: Oh, there's Julie Ahrens. She got featured in the YMS video. Unknown_06: He kind of has like a really mousy looking face I want to pull up these people and find how many how many people they look like trannies or Have dyed hair. Do you think we're gonna find? Unknown_06: Sis yes Okay, that guy is obviously Italian that's a man that's a woman that's a neck beard That's a man she's cute I 0:21:31 Unknown_08: uh man gross looking guy face is too small for his head woman oh my god are these all normal people except for this guy he looks like a rapper why is malkia what is his expertise writing and journalism oh god say no more Unknown_06: All these people look normal. Oh god, there's so many of them. I just want to see pictures of these people so I can bully them. You're making me look bad, Stanford. Why do you have normal-looking people in your fucking... Oh, Mayor Tenet. I got a good feeling about him. Unknown_06: This guy's eyes are further apart than not mine. Unknown_08: That's crazy. Unknown_06: That's a tranny. There's no way. Unknown_06: Staff privacy analyst at Google. That's a tranny. There's no way this is not a tranny. 0:22:24 Unknown_06: Privacy engineer at Apple. Unknown_06: Privacy commissioner of Canada. Oh, this is a tranny. Unknown_06: This is a tranny. Unknown_08: Suits and hoodies, the two servers. Unknown_06: I'm going to wait. Hold up. Unknown_06: Her name, she let her fucking domain name expire. Unknown_06: There's no way. Technologist, researcher, academic, interested in privacy, technology, society, computer. 0:22:56 Unknown_06: I refuse. Unknown_08: No tranny? Unknown_08: You're full of shit. Unknown_08: I'm gonna look it up later. Unknown_08: I don't trust any of them. 0:23:35 Unknown_08: They don't like me. Unknown_06: They refuse. Unknown_06: Morgan's in training. Fuck off. Who the fuck is Morgan? Wait, how the fuck did you think that, that, uh... Unknown_06: I pause at this because it's like, I don't think so. Unknown_06: Tran LGBT. Unknown_06: I'm not, I don't think she's a, I think that you're being a bully. I think you're being a bully by saying this woman's a tranny. 0:24:07 Unknown_08: Yeah, I know. Unknown_08: She looks normal. Unknown_08: Tran LGBT. No. No way. Unknown_06: There's no way. Unknown_06: Dude, Google has lots of trannies. Lots and lots and lots of trannies. They love trannies. They like hiring trannies and putting them in bullshit fucking roles like staff privacy analysts. Unknown_06: All right, whatever. Unknown_06: I just wanted to show you my tools. Unknown_06: And there's more to say about the Simba Lion guy. He's a cult. I think he... Yeah, he's like a cult leader. He's one of those tranny Discord people. 0:24:38 Unknown_06: Um... Unknown_06: He has this weird shit going on. He's a fucking weirdo. Unknown_06: I didn't care because it's like training shit. As far as I'm concerned, all trainings are fucking weirdos. Here's an interesting one, though. I didn't see this one until recently, but it was sent in March. Unknown_06: JFG, as Allura Editions, sent a DMCA to Google over the .is version of his thread because somebody's hosting an EPUB 0:25:18 Unknown_06: Or at least he claims somebody is hosting an EPUB of the revolutionary phenotype, his book. Unknown_06: And I don't know. It's probably legitimate, but I haven't looked into it. But he did complain, and I thought that was funny. Unknown_08: Somewhat sane trainees are only somewhat sane for a little bit. Unknown_06: Not for too long. Unknown_06: Okay, let's watch this. I'm going to watch this, and I'm going to comment on it. If you haven't seen this, this is fucking funny, and I want to talk about it a little bit, because it ties into something else we've already touched on. Let me make sure my audio... Aha! I remembered to cut my audio on this time. 0:25:58 Unknown_04: Hey guys, hi, I'm Derek Savage. I'm the creator of the Cool Cat Children's Brand, and I'm coming to you today with something new, something that I've never done before, and something that you'll probably never Unknown_04: never see me do again and that's putting a public pitch out and it's going to Felix PewDiePie let me tell you what happened and it's all good here okay guys last week he reviewed my movie cool cat kid superhero and I thought it was funny I mean I was laughing out there throughout the whole thing especially when he's yelling at Bush I can't understand you and I mean I've heard other people say I was just laughing it was all good it was really cool But then right when I saw him, I said, my God, I mean, he would be really good in a project that I really want to get going. And that is Cool Cat Stops a School Shooting. 0:26:43 Unknown_06: Already, this is the greatest idea ever conceived. This is PewDiePie. And Cool Cat stops a school shooting. And when I saw this, I knew it was something very special. Unknown_04: And then as this is bouncing around in my mind, someone tweeted me and said, Hey, Derek, why don't you feature Felix or PewDiePie in your next Cool Cat project? And I tweeted back, And we're saying, I love the idea. We can make him a school teacher and Cool Cat stops the school shooting. And good Lord almighty, that tweet has bounced all over the internet. I mean, it's got thousands of likes, thousands of retweets. And that's all great because it shows me that you guys see the same exact thing that I see. And it also shows me that you really want this movie to happen. And I love that. I want it to happen. It's just got so much meaning to this project. Okay, now this is what happened. PewDiePie officially tweeted out that he's in, showing that he's interested. Okay, but simple business here, guys. When someone tweets that they're in and making an agreement or a contract or... That they're going to be in your film? Two totally different things. So I'll reach out to his Pete and respond back today saying that she's going to reach out to you, Felix, and make sure there's true interest there. So, hey, we got this ball rolling here, man. That's why I'm making this video right here for you and for you guys also. Okay, now let's get to what's important. And that is... Before we do that, I want to point out how brave Derek Savage is to be recording this in front of a green screen. 0:28:27 Unknown_06: He is truly an auspicious man who does not give a single fuck. I also want to point out how awful his balding hairline is. He really just needs to shave it at this point. It's getting kind of fucking bad. Unknown_04: The film. The feature film. Cool Cat Stops a School Shooting. When this first came in my mind a while back, I was going to make it about a 20 minute short, but no, we got something here that could literally just Be a major kids movie throughout the world. There is nothing on this school shooting out there. We will be the first feature film out there. And it's something that's happening worldwide, dude. I mean, this ain't just happening in America. I mean, hell, just in the Las Vegas school last week, it was on the news. In one week, they caught three different kids carrying guns about to do something stupid. It's happening worldwide, not just in America, but also in Las Vegas. But they got stopped. I mean, that's just in my backyard. This happens right here, not to mention around the world. I mean, so I mean, this is something that that has big potential in this. What I absolutely love is this is the first feature film right here ever to star an autistic and a Down syndrome kid. 0:29:38 Unknown_06: I am so fucking, when he said that, I was like, I'm more excited for this movie than any other movie I've ever heard about ever. He wants the lead characters in the movie to be autistic and another one that has Down syndrome in a movie with PewDiePie in a school shooter. 0:30:19 Unknown_06: And I feel a kind of visceral joy thinking about that that I don't experience in any other facet of my life. Unknown_04: I'm going to put on my I wrote a part for an autistic and a down soon child to be cool cats buddies. And I'm doing that to bring some awareness to them. Bottom line, I think it's one in 63 kids now are born with autism and it was like one in 340. My fingers may be off. I haven't touched them in a while. that are born with Down syndrome. I mean, we gotta bring awareness to this and bottom line, where I'm coming from, I wanna show everybody that those kids are cool too. Hey, all right, that's a good thing right there. And a good friend of mine is Lieutenant Colonel Art Knowles. He owns the world's only civilian Harrier jet. He's already committed. He'll put his Harrier jet in the film and that would make the second feature film ever 0:30:58 Unknown_04: To have a live Harrier jet. Unknown_06: A Harrier jet, I'm pretty sure, is a jet that can take off vertically. Like, the engines will fucking move. I don't know how the fuck Derek Savage knows a man who has a Harrier jet in his possession that he legally owns. 0:31:43 Unknown_06: But that's fucking amazing. I hope... I hope Cool Cat and the Down Central Children... Unknown_06: and i hope i hope that they stop the school shooting with the harrier jet i hope that it has missiles on it and they just fucking blow the shit out of some emo emo incel motherfucker with an ar-15 they just like fly over them and just drop the fucking bombs on them Unknown_06: And it's called Beetle Coffee Military Fags. 0:32:20 Unknown_04: And the first one was James Cameron's True Lies that starred Arnold Schwarzenegger. So, man, I mean, we're up there batting with some good people right there, brother. Oh, shit, that's important. I want to play that one again. Unknown_04: to have a live Harrier jet. And the first one was James Cameron's True Lies that starred Arnold Schwarzenegger. So, man, I mean, we're up there batting with some good people right there. Oh, that's not the part I thought of last night. Okay. I mean, this is such a powerful script. I mean, this is a full screen play, over 100 pages and everything. Oh, my God, he's written a script. I already introduced Dirty Dog. Okay. Dirty Dog is going to be the bad guy in... 0:32:58 Unknown_04: the cool cat stops the school shooting. And here's why. I cannot put any nationality as the school shooter. Oh my God, the hate mail I'd be getting would just, oh, whoo, it'd be flooding me down right there, you know? And I understand. So we're going to make the bad guy dirty. He can't make the school shooter white, Mexican, black. Unknown_06: So he's going to make it a pit bull. 0:33:31 Unknown_06: make it an anthropomorphic pit bull and it's just the dirty dog exactly I my dirty dog furry costume will be the the slobber mutt it would be perfect put me in put me in the dirty dog outfit I'm ready oh you know I can make this very very easy Unknown_04: for Felix to be in Cool Cat Stops, a school shooting. You see, I've been doing this a lot of years. I can make it easy. I got two ways I can put you in the film here, Felix. And that is, one, if you want to be in the action, you got to be on my set. And I'll be filming it in Las Vegas, either Vegas or LA, probably Vegas. That's where I live. And, um, Unknown_04: And I'll need you on my set two, maybe three days max. That's it. But if you want to be in the action, I'll give you some kung fu moves where you can fight the bad guy the whole nine yards, dude. And I will have a very astute fighting choreographer on the set. I know a couple of them. So we'll have a big boy on there teaching you. but i can make this dude where i can make you an international teacher where you can film your scenes in your home studio and just email them to me and i can put you on a screen in the classroom when the stuff comes down and i thought a couple other ways i could put you just imagining like because he wants to green screen pewdiepie into a television set like one of those monitors they roll into the classrooms to show everybody a movie 0:35:09 Unknown_06: I'm just imagining, like, the shooter comes in and he's shooting up the kids. You know, dirty dog. Unloading his AR-15 to pumped up cakes in the background. And PewDiePie... PewDiePie is on the monitor. Like the Wizard of Oz. And he's just like... Okay, kids. I can't actually help you in this situation. Because I'm fucking 3,000 miles away from you. But, okay. Everybody get into the closet. Barricade the door with a couch. And... You gotta buckle in, just listen to me. I'm gonna be your commander. I'm gonna be your commander from the safety of my home studio. 0:35:48 Unknown_04: Where you're working directly with Cool Cat, but we can do it via where you can film it at your house, dude. I mean, I can't make it any more easier than that. And that way will only take you a couple few hours, and you email it to me, and so you got the chance. You can be on the set with the action, Vivica A. Fox is already signed on as a teacher and I will put you right beside her working. That's what gets me. Okay, that's not a joke. Unknown_06: Vivica A. Fox has already agreed to be in this movie. So I don't know what Vivica A. Fox's career is looking like right now after the first Cool Cat, but it can't be too good. 0:36:26 Unknown_04: If you're a fan of Vivica, she's a sweetheart, easy person to work with. be a great experience for you. And so I can do it either way, where you can film it at your house, man, or be on the set, whichever. It's all good for me. And also, I'll put you on as a producer. So if you're looking to build your feature film credits, hey, Derek Savage can help you, dog, and I'm happy to. Also, I mentioned this in one email, 0:37:00 Unknown_04: may be opening some points for you so i mean you know this could be very profitable for you and and plus just be you know just a good rounded project for you and that's that's what i like to do man that's that's the best way to do business right there and um and this is what i want right here bottom line want you to come in do a good job have fun that's the main thing and um I'll do a Kickstarter on it. And, you know, to help to raise funds to finance the project, and I know we can do it with this project right here, is to make two videos before, you know, while the Kickstarter thing is going to, and make a video afterwards or something. I mean, when we do, after we shoot the project, you know, to help promote it, and I'm sure you will. And I really think we can bring in a couple really big, fat movie stars on this. Okay, this is the best part. Also, to make this fun for everybody out there in the YouTube community and on the internet, the Twitter, we can have a contest, man, where you can win a part to be an extra on the set with Cool Cat. 0:38:08 Unknown_06: I'm frustrated because I thought he said he was going to name drop some people, some stars. Unknown_04: Okay, guys, hey, take it easy. I did the brofist thing. Always remember, Cool Cat loves you. Unknown_06: I swear to God he said that he was going to get, like, Brad Pitt and shit on. Unknown_06: Okay, now here's the downside from what I've heard. Unknown_06: Oh, I would fly back to the U.S. in a fucking heartbeat. If I was going to be Dirty Dog, I would already have a plane ticket back to Las Vegas so I could shoot up some kids in PewDiePie. I'd be like, Felix, brofist, and I'd just like blap him. Here's one for all the nine-year-olds, and I'd just keep blapping them while making dog sounds like woo-woo-woo. and bark bark bark and just fucking like queuing up maybe my gun would also make make dog sounds and it would it would make like the one particular dog sound no it wouldn't make that dog sound the children getting shot would make the dog sound and i would i would shoot them i would shoot them for making that sound preposterous 0:39:33 Unknown_06: White girls fuck dogs. Would I get the girl in the end? Would I get Vivica A. Fox? Oh, she's black. I can't get Vivica Fox. Unknown_08: Look at what I've done. I shouldn't have made any dog jokes. Unknown_06: I take all my dog jokes back. Unknown_06: I've thought a lot about shooting children in a dog costume. Unknown_06: I don't think I have. I think that's a character assassination. 0:40:09 Unknown_08: I did not woo. Unknown_06: I just said woo woo woo like a dog does. Like when a dog is howling or making shitty dog noises. Unknown_08: All right. All right. Unknown_08: What was I going to do? My brain's melting out of my ears. Unknown_06: Fuck off. Unknown_06: Oh! Unknown_06: Mumkey Jones. We were talking about Mumkey Jones. He got cucked by Derek Savage or something. It was either PewDiePie or Derek Savage said they were going to do something with Mumkey, and then they backed out. And I need chat. 0:40:42 Unknown_06: Chat, you need to tell me what the fuck it is that happened. Unknown_06: No, there is no Eric Estrada. Unknown_08: He's not invited. Unknown_08: Tell me. Unknown_06: Chat, you're not telling me what happened. I can't do research. I need other people to feed me information. Unknown_06: Oh, he's going to do the same movie with Mumkey instead? Well, there's no reason Mumkey can't be a part of it still, can he? 0:41:20 Unknown_08: Uh, Derek was going to star Mumkey when he first did the movie. Unknown_06: Well, he's obviously not going to star Mumkey because Cool Cat's the star. He stops the school shooting. Oh, did he take the money from Mumkey's audience? Unknown_08: That's funny. 0:41:55 Unknown_06: That guy can't catch a fucking break, can he? That's what happens when you fuck a furry. Unknown_06: God himself hexes you with contempt. Unknown_06: And Derek Savage steals your fucking money. Unknown_06: Mumkey can't be the shooter. I want to be Dirty Dog. Mumkey can go fuck himself. Unknown_06: He can be one of the nine-year-olds I gunned down in hatred. Unknown_06: My whole life is cold, bitter hatred, and I've always wanted to die violently, I say, as I, dirty dog, gun down Mumkey Jones. 0:42:34 Unknown_06: In the classroom that PewDiePie is teaching, and he's on the monitor and he can't help, he has to look helplessly in horror as I murder Mumkey Jones, a full-grown nine-year-old. Unknown_06: Yeah, I feel the part. I feel like I can play the part of the shooter very adequately. Unknown_06: I can get into that character. Unknown_06: Slay girl. Unknown_06: Okay, yeah, I'm getting to that. I'm getting to that. Let me get comfy. Unknown_06: Okay. Before I get into the dry, heavy, boring shit, fucking Boldy Spicy has been sending me this shit for like three days demanding I play it. I've not watched it yet, but we're gonna look at it. 0:43:24 Unknown_06: No, 1402. Unknown_03: Shoved it in my freaking hole. Then I went to KFC and had chicken wings. I ate all that off camera. Unknown_03: Of course. Unknown_03: With gravy. I drank a whole gravy. Like, I got gravy and I drank it. Like, it was juice. Unknown_06: What? 0:43:59 Unknown_03: And it's like. Unknown_06: Is that all she says about the gravy? Unknown_03: You know, it's like, why am I doing this to myself? You know? Tell me about the gravy. I just don't know. Unknown_03: I just don't know why. I don't. Unknown_06: Is that all she says about the gravy? Boldy hyped us up. I was hoping for a big gravy story. I wanted to hear about the... I'm angry. Unknown_03: The gravy running down her chin. Her chins. There's times, like my... You know how sometimes... Unknown_03: Depression will manifest in yeah, we've all seen we've all seen Zoloft commercials. 0:44:33 Unknown_06: We've all seen how depression hurts depression hurts Everywhere so you have to go to KFC and get get a bucket of gravy and just guzzle that shit Like you're a frat bar boy. Just chugging chugging some booze. I Unknown_08: I stopped fantasizing. Fuck off. Unknown_08: I wanted... I wanted a better story. Unknown_06: Gravy shots? Is that like jello shots with gravy? Alright. Alright, here's the Bourne thing. Ow, fuck. I didn't plug my headset again. 0:45:22 Unknown_06: I'm not good at computers. I just randomly fucking yank shit out. Unknown_06: Okay, do you guys remember? And yes, this is the Jerusalem Post. Don't say anything about it. Unknown_06: Former officer charged for not responding to Florida school shooting. Do you guys remember Nicholas Cruz and the Parkland shooting? How could you not? They haven't shut up about it. But I remember when this happened. Unknown_06: The immediate response from the right wing was that teachers should be armed because at this shooting, there was a police officer from Broward County that responded. And instead of going into the school to stop the shooter, stayed out in the parking lot. And the logic at the time was that police do not have to help you. They just don't. They don't have to help you. Nobody's obligated to help you ever. Not even police. So don't expect police to help and everybody should have a gun. That was the right people, the right wing story. 0:46:04 Unknown_06: uh for for this but as it says here a florida florida sheriff's deputy was arrested on tuesday on felony misdemeanor charging stemming from a lack of response in the 2018 mass shooting at uh douglas high school that left 17 dead scott peterson 56 who was taken into custody faces Multiple counts of child neglect, culpable negligence, and perjury. 0:46:52 Unknown_06: The charges carry a combined maximum prison sentence of 97 years. Unknown_06: And I want you guys to tell me. Unknown_06: Tell me and be honest. Do you think that, uh... Unknown_06: Police should be charged if they don't respond to a crisis. If they let somebody die out of inaction, should they be held responsible in any way? 0:47:32 Unknown_06: He did nothing. That's exactly it. He did nothing. So he's negligent, they say. You guys say yes? Unknown_06: Of course. Unknown_06: Abso-fucking-lutely, it's a part of the job. You don't get to be illegally allowed to shoot people and then not protect people. Unknown_08: Of fucking course. Unknown_08: I would disagree. Unknown_06: I would disagree. I think that everybody should have a gun and cops should only, should have as little presence in my life as possible. I should never think to myself, I need to call the police. I should be thinking like, I need to get my Harrier jet and strafe this nigga because he's fucking with me. He's violating my MAP. I need Cool Cat to come over here. I mean, that's what I need. I don't need police in my life doing shit. I need Cool Cat with their Harrier jet coming on over to strafe this nigga. 0:48:03 Unknown_06: If everyone has a gun that changes, that's true. That's what I advocate. I mean, now, it's like, okay, here's another argument. Let's say that we get rid of guns and now police are everywhere. There's like one police officer per hundred people. The entire country is this military police state. And we now have the argument you never need a gun because there's always a police officer at least one block away from you, right? That's the new world we live in. 0:48:40 Unknown_06: But I don't think that would ever happen because if you can get charged with not doing something, why the fuck would you ever want to be a police officer, right? 0:49:19 Unknown_06: Like, if I could be charged for sitting in a parking lot not wanting to expose myself to gunfire, why the fuck would I ever want to be a cop? Unknown_06: You know what I mean? Why would anybody want to be a cop if that's the legal requirement? If they can get 97 fucking years in jail because they didn't do a good enough job. Dumb argument? No, fuck that. Unknown_08: For having guns? Unknown_08: Exactly. Unknown_06: Libertarianism and Satanism? You're Satanism, motherfucker. That's part of the job. Nah, nah, nah, fuck that. 0:50:01 Unknown_06: Fuck the police. Unknown_06: Why do they sign up? Because it's a pension. You work for 20 years for the government and you get a fucking pension and you retire on it. You get injured and you have a police union and you get workman's comp for the rest of your life. My grandfather collects three checks. He was Washington, D.C. police and he got beat upside the head with a 2x4 like four years into his career as a police officer. He still collects a check for disability from the D.C. police. 0:50:39 Unknown_08: I wouldn't complain if I got shot in Iraq. Well, Iraq's the exact same thing. Unknown_06: Why do you join the military? 20-year pension. Workman's comp. Unknown_06: Good union. Unknown_08: I'm not being contrarian. Unknown_06: I'm just saying. Unknown_06: The people do it for money. I don't believe anybody joins the force because they want to make a difference. If you want to make a difference, go fucking volunteer at a shelter. Get rich and donate money to something. Make a church. Nobody becomes a cop because they want to help people. 0:51:15 Unknown_06: I didn't say I want unions. I'm saying they got unions. Unknown_06: I know for my grandfather, too, this fucking day, he pays his, I don't even know why, he pays his dues to the police union in Washington, D.C. Unknown_08: The fun of power. Yeah, fuck that. Give everybody guns and Harrier jets. Unknown_06: That's the best. Unknown_06: Yeah, I don't think he'll get convicted. I actually sent this to Rakita and I was hoping to get a response from him before this, but he didn't respond. He probably has to think about it. Because I imagine he's conflicted on this. 0:51:59 Unknown_06: I had a gun in the US. Unknown_08: Can't bring a gun overseas. Unknown_08: Perjury? Unknown_06: I don't know. I don't know what he perjured himself on. Unknown_06: Never, never talk to police, even as a police. Trust no one, not even yourself. Unknown_06: All right, enough of this. I just wanted to say what people thought. I completely disagree with everybody. Nobody can force me into anything. Let's talk about this fucking guy. 0:52:32 Unknown_06: Everybody has already seen this. But when I do these streams, I have to, again, I have to think about the poor people in 2023 who have no fucking idea what I'm talking about because we live in the matrix and none of this exists anymore. Unknown_06: This is a tweet chain from Carlos Mazza. who is talking about how Steven Crowder called him a queer. Unknown_05: Before we get to the video, with our favorite, favorite lispy sprite from Vox. It's ridiculous. It's bonkers. You're being given a free pass as a crappy writer because you're gay. That center line on his little queer graph there. So Carlos Maza is a writer for Vox.com, same as the coming out at 37, the Emily Todd Vandervorf. There's also Carlos Maza. And... 0:53:04 Unknown_06: He was like, I have pretty thick skin. He's since blocked like 800,000 people regarding this. I even sent him a message saying something like, all you're doing is taking people's money. You're doing that for people's money. That's kind of shitty. So he blocked me. And he's going through and he's just like, Steven Crowder is me and then YouTube doesn't care and YouTube doesn't give a fuck about genderqueer creators and marginalized creators or diversity and inclusion. YouTube wants clicks, YouTube wants clicks, YouTube wants clicks. And he's just going on and on and he's complaining about the socialism is for fags t-shirt. And on and on and on. 0:54:14 Unknown_06: And ultimately, YouTube came back and said... Unknown_06: Thanks again for taking the time to share all this information with us. We take allegations of harassment very seriously. We know this is important and impacts a lot of people. Unknown_06: Our team spent the last few days conducting an in-depth review of videos flagged to us. And while we found language that was clearly hurtful, the videos as posted don't violate our policies. Unknown_06: We've included more information below to explain the decision. As an open platform, it's crucial for us to allow everyone from creators to journalists to late night TV hosts to express their opinions within scope of our policies. 0:54:55 Unknown_06: Our opinions can be deeply offended, but they don't violate our policies. They'll remain on our site. Even if a video remains on our site, it doesn't mean we endorse support that viewpoint. There are aspects of the channel that we're still evaluating. We'll be in touch with any further updates. Since then, This guy, like even as I've had this tab open, he's posted so many times I don't get a number in the tab. I get an asterisk for plus 20 tweets. And it's just like this and that. Love to sit at home editing together clips of my abuse in order to publicly beg a platform to pay attention to. Oh shit, here we go again. Nice meme. 0:55:33 Unknown_06: Oh, when the coping strategies you have developed in high school to deal with bullying become life-saving at 31. That's just fucking pathetic. Unknown_06: Retweeting other people feeling bad for him. YouTube helped Crowder build an army of engaged, aggressive fans willing to mobilize on his behalf. He's currently convincing them that I'm an NBC operative trying to shut him down to stifle competition. His fans believe him. YouTube created a monster. It's afraid to stop. Unknown_06: Retweeting Susan was whatever the fuck her name is. This is a lie YouTube tells to keep advertisers from abandoning the platform. The past 24 hours have been the most abuse filled of my life. All because YouTube refuses to enforce its anti-harassment policies against its most popular creators. 0:56:11 Unknown_06: YouTube spends a ton of money on PR stunts like this to distract from the fact that it's helped anti-LGBT bigots developing massive loyal fanbases that target queer creators. It's pinkwashing. They make money off queer people while creating weapons to abuse them. And it's just going on and on and on and on. I'm literally just like flick flick flick flick flick. Any one of these is about Crowder. How many times have you seen Crowder's face in scrolling up? Crowder, Crowder, Crowder, Crowder, Crowder. This man Gaywonk is trying to start an adpocalypse on YouTube again because a YouTuber hurt his feelings, straight knob. Now you are the enemy of YouTubers. 0:56:48 Unknown_06: Oh no. Unknown_06: In case you're wondering what happens when YouTube lets a bully rally millions of fans to target someone in violation of their terms of service, Crowder's buddies are now selling a Carlos Maza is a fag shirt. Mirror the design of socialism is for fags. That's actually pretty fucking funny, I gotta admit. As much as I don't like Steven Crowder, the fucking sheer audacity. 0:57:22 Unknown_06: While all this attention is on him, it's just fucking... It's really funny. Unknown_06: Scroll up and up and up and up and up. I want to see... Oh, God, 20 more tweets. I'll get to it. Because I saw this literally seconds before the stream went up. And I'll get to it. 0:57:56 Unknown_06: Where is the reply from Vox? Unknown_08: Where is Vox's at? Unknown_08: Maybe it's on the actual twitter.com box. Unknown_08: No. Unknown_06: There is a response from Vox Media Tanzania. I don't think that's it. Unknown_06: There's a reply from Vox where they're basically like, you know, we really hate this and YouTube is so bad and we're really butthurt. 0:58:35 Unknown_06: Is this it? No. Oh, even AOC. Oh, the Latino Jesus has stepped down from her throne to diminish YouTube, admonish YouTube, and say, YouTube, you are bad for letting bad things happen. Unknown_06: They should be in jail for 97 years for allowing cyberbullying to happen. Unknown_08: Oh, okay, this is it. Unknown_08: Uh... 0:59:10 Unknown_06: I'll just read this part. YouTube knows that this is a problem. It's developed anti-harassment policies to hold its creators accountable and remove them from the platform when they are in violation. Yet YouTube is not enforcing the policies and are not removing known and identified users who employ hate speech tactics. by tacitly looking the other way and encourages this behavior and contributes to a society more divided and more radicalized. YouTube must do better and must enforce their own policies and remove creators who promote hate. 0:59:45 Unknown_06: Okay, so now for the fun part. By my man Will Summer. Unknown_06: Update on our continued review. We have suspended this channel's monetization. We came to this decision because of a pattern of egregious actions that has harmed the broader YouTube community and is against our YouTube partnership program policies. More here. Gavin McInnes has been suspended. Unknown_06: or has had a video deleted, James Ulsep has been demonetized, and the golden one has also been demonetized as of like the last 30 minutes or so. 1:00:24 Unknown_06: So, yay! Unknown_06: Gay wonk got his justice. Steven, while YouTube can never undo the emotional harm that gay wonk has suffered as a result of being called a queer, they can sure as fuck take away Steven Crowder's money. There's an update to that. Unknown_06: Var got banned. Yeah, I heard that. It's not in this, but Var got banned. 20 more tweets. Unknown_06: Let's see. Let's hunt out the presses during this stream. 1:01:03 Unknown_08: No, this is hot tranny bands. Unknown_08: Oh, it's providing its harasser 81,000 in direct payment via revenue shares. Unknown_06: Oh, the money. YouTube's new anti-supremacy policy is a joke, a shiny prop meant to distract reporters and advertisers from its reality, which is that YouTube doesn't actually enforce any of the documents. Unknown_06: Uh, whatever. Unknown_06: All political content gets demonetized. Crowder's revenue. He's not even happy. He hates this. Crowder's revenue stream isn't from YouTube ads. He was just complaining. He was just complaining that he got his money from YouTube advertisements. And now he's complaining that he doesn't get his money from YouTube advertisements. What the fuck do you want, you faggot? That's so frustrating. You got what you fucking wanted and you're still fucking crying about it. 1:01:36 Unknown_06: Despite YouTube capitalizing on pride as a marketing campaign, it's clear they have no issue making policies, decisions that harm LGBTQ people like Gaywonk. Wow, fucking Gaywonk. So sad. 1:02:10 Unknown_06: Oh, the monetizing doesn't work. He needs him banned. It's verboten. The Crowder must be removed from the premises. Unknown_06: Because demonetization does not work. It's not enough to take $81,000 from the man. You have to cut him out like a fucking tumor. Unknown_06: Huge platform reverses itself when unattainable position is revealed as untenable. This has happened like every three weeks. 1:02:45 Unknown_06: Uh... Unknown_06: The problem is that YouTube allows monsters and bullies to become superstars, break YouTube's rules, build an army of loyal, radicalized followers, and then make millions selling them merch that sustains their work. Unknown_06: In order to restate monetization, he'll need to remove links to his t-shirts. 1:03:20 Unknown_06: Update your stories accordingly. Journalists, we are all centralized together on this position against Crowder. Unknown_06: Crowder is allowed to harass and demean his victims because YouTube allows him to do it plain and simple. He would do it anyways. Unknown_06: He's been this. He's so proud of it. He's so proud. He's so happy that he's a victim. I'm going to tweet this right the fuck now. I'm just going to say it. I'm going to make a tweet. Unknown_06: I've never seen anyone happier to be a victim than Carlos Meza. 1:03:55 Unknown_06: That's my thought. That's my epic tweet for the stream. I need to do that too. That's going to be my trend. I'm going to make one live tweet summing up my contempt live on air. Unknown_08: Did I miss anything? Some people were more in the know than I. Unknown_06: And I hope I covered everything. It's all over. It's all over. 1:04:27 Unknown_06: Oh, the YouTube Google blog. Let's take a look at that. Unknown_06: Our ongoing work to tackle hate. Oh, look, they even made their YouTube icon gay. How epic. Unknown_06: How long is this? Unknown_08: Very fucking long. Unknown_08: Oh no, it's multiple articles. Removing hateful and supremacist content from YouTube. 1:05:02 Unknown_06: Reducing borderline content and raising up authoritative voices. Oh, that sounds dystopian. Unknown_06: Continuing to reward trusted creators and enforce our monetization policies. Unknown_06: Which one? Unknown_06: Oh, this one mentions Nazis. Let's read this. YouTube has always had the rules of the road, including a long-standing policy against hate speech. In 2017, we introduced a tougher stance toward videos with supremacist content. Unknown_06: including limiting recommendations and features like comments and the ability to share the video. This step dramatically reduced the views to these videos, on average by 80%. Today, we're taking another step in our hate speech policy by specifically prohibiting videos alleging that a group is superior in order to justify discrimination, segregation, or exclusions based on qualities like age, gender, race, caste, religion, Religion, sexual orientation, or veteran status. That would include, for instance, videos that promote or glorify Nazi ideology, which is inherently discriminatory. Finally, we will remove content denying that well-documented violent events like the Holocaust or the shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary took place. 1:06:26 Unknown_06: We recognize that some of this content has value to researchers and NGOs looking to understand hate in order to combat it, and we are exploring options to make it available to them in the future. And as always, context matters. Unknown_08: We piloted an update of our systems in the United States to limit recommendations of borderline content and harmful misinformation, such as videos promoting a phony miracle cure for a serious illness or claiming that the earth is flat. Unknown_06: We're looking to bring this updated system to more countries by the end of 2019. Thanks to this change, the number of views that this type of content gets from recommendations has dropped by over 50% in the U.S. 1:07:15 Unknown_06: Our systems are also getting smarter about what types of videos should get this treatment, and we'll be able to apply it with more borderline videos moving forward. As we do this, we'll start raising up more authoritative content and recommendations, building on the changes we made to the news last year. Unknown_06: For example, if a user is watching a video that comes close to violating our policies, our systems may include more videos from authoritative sources, like top news channels, and then they'll watch the next panel. Unknown_06: So if you're watching a video that they don't like, and they know that they don't like it, the next video they don't want you to watch is from CNN that refutes it, in their opinion. 1:08:02 Unknown_06: Finally, it's critical that our monetization systems reward trusted creators who add value to YouTube. We have long-standing, advertiser-friendly guidelines that prohibit ads from running on videos that include hateful content, and we enforce these rigorously. And in order to protect our ecosystem of creators, advertisers, and viewers, we tightened our advertising criteria in 2017. Unknown_06: In the case of hate speech, we are strengthening enforcement of our existing YouTube Partner Program policies. Channels that repeatedly brush up against our hate speech policies will be suspended from the YouTube Partner Program and they can't run ads on their channel or use monetization features like Super Chat. Unknown_06: The openness of the YouTube platform has helped creativity and access to information thrive. 1:08:52 Unknown_08: Has this been archived? Unknown_08: Well now what? Unknown_06: Here, let me show you a video that I thought was hilarious because it was in that restricted status where you can't do anything to it except watch it. 1:09:33 Unknown_08: Yeah, this is it. Unknown_06: Okay, look. Unknown_06: The six million Jews, 1915 to 1938. Unknown_06: Certain features, which is everything. Unknown_06: And you can't access the user, can't do anything. And it's just, the description is 10 newspapers from 1915 to 1938 before the Holocaust. Library of Congress, and then a link to the articles. So we understand which to proceed. Unknown_06: I can't click it because I'm not logged in. Give me a second. 1:10:06 Unknown_08: Just gonna try to download it and play it locally. Unknown_08: Oh man, the fucking video is huge. Unknown_08: Whatever, I'll wait. Unknown_08: Actually, let me just download a smaller version of it. Unknown_08: I can't... Feel like I've got bigger? Probably not, to be honest. Unknown_06: Yeah, Stone Toss, we did this, I've seen it before, but I'll play it for, it's kind of a niche video, but when you think about it, when you watch it, I want you to think about the fact that this is in the restricted status, and it says literally nothing. 1:11:01 Unknown_06: No, just watch what the content is. It's funny. It's really fucking funny that this is restricted. Unknown_00: Hiya. Here's ten newspapers where these Jews are pushing this six million figure between the years of 1915 and 1938. The first newspaper is... The Sun of New York. Unknown_01: He talks really fucking slow, though. Unknown_06: That's the problem. Actually, you know what? Unknown_01: June the 6th, 1915. 1:11:34 Unknown_06: Let me play it in PC, and then I can skip forward. Because I remember watching this thinking, God, this guy talks so fucking slow. 1:12:21 Unknown_08: No, no sound. Unknown_08: Takes up most of the page. Unknown_06: Sorry. Unknown_01: So go in. Yeah. Unknown_01: Go. Unknown_01: Since the destruction of the temple in Jerusalem, the Jewish people have had no darker page in their history than that which the Russian government is writing today. Unknown_01: Six million Jews, one half of the Jewish people throughout the world, are being persecuted, hounded, humiliated, tortured, starved. 1:12:55 Unknown_06: Okay, that's basically the gist of the video, and I wish I could have just shown you that part. He goes through, like, 20 different newspapers before the Second World War, where the number, specifically the number of 6 million Jews, half the Jewish population, is used... Unknown_06: Over and fucking over again. And he says nothing. His video is just this. He just reads the newspaper in the slowest fucking way that nobody can possibly sit through without fast forwarding through it. And he makes no claims. He makes no original claims. He just reads 6 million Jews over and over again. And his video on YouTube... is in this odd-ass restricted state where nobody can share it or interact with it at all. 1:13:32 Unknown_06: If you're a normal person, right? Unknown_06: If you're a normal person and you have no care about any of this shit, like anything that I would talk about during the stream, and you see someone, you see this, this specific video, like what conclusion are you drawn to? You know what I mean? 1:14:08 Unknown_06: What do you know about? No, I'm not talking about you guys. I'm saying like if a normal person is exposed to only this, Unknown_06: It raises... It makes people angry. Unknown_06: If you say, the Jews run the world, and they censor media saying that the Jews run the world, and then your video gets censored, it's a self-fulfilling prophecy. 1:14:43 Unknown_06: If it was not true, it makes you look like you know what you're talking about. Unknown_08: And it keeps happening. Unknown_08: How did I get to it? Somebody showed it to me. Unknown_06: Oh, wow, people didn't have accurate reporting back then? Unknown_06: Maybe. I mean, it's not just that one, though. It's like over and over and over and over again. It is the exact same figure. It's not 5.5 million, 7 million, 1 million, 600,000. It is always 6 million Jews every goddamn time. A Yahtzee showed me. 1:15:29 Unknown_08: All the Yahtzees are dead. I don't know. Unknown_06: It frustrates me. Unknown_06: And now they're talking about how, like, we all knew this. Like, this is zero new information. It's just like, it's just, they're so honest about it. Like, they don't have to lie. They don't have to sugarcoat it. Like, we're going to fuck with videos that we don't like. And if you watch a video that you don't like, because they don't want people making competitors or making sites that are very well populated with information just about things they don't like. 1:16:10 Unknown_06: So what they're going to do instead is try to shape your mind by linking you to CNN videos that are more authoritative. Unknown_08: Six is a biblical number. Unknown_08: Oh, and I... You're full of shit. Unknown_08: No, this isn't restricted. Unknown_06: This is good music. 1:16:48 Unknown_02: I'll play this on my outro. I'm gonna save this. Unknown_08: Or I could have. I think I had a different outro song picked out. Unknown_08: I had one about a horse. 1:17:23 Unknown_08: A horse song. Okay. Unknown_06: Did I miss anything? Can you guys think of anything that I did not cover? Because I don't want to be mad. I'm making myself mad. Unknown_06: You know what I mean? Unknown_06: You dwell on things. You get mad. Unknown_06: You know what I'm going to do after this stream? I'm going to play Mordhau, and I'm going to take my pike, and I'm going to shove it in someone's fucking face. I'm going to skewer their brains on my pike. 1:17:55 Unknown_06: I'm going to be like, get fucked, plebeian motherfucker. And then I'm going to go to bed at some point. Unknown_06: Get mad. I can't get mad. I can't get mad when I'm drinking Coke Zero and playing Mordhau. All my needs are taken care of. Unknown_06: Zurius got banned? Oh, fuck that. I still have Cyber Nazi on my computer somewhere. 1:18:32 Unknown_08: Oniskan. Unknown_06: Onision claimed that he helped Eugenia Cooney become a healthier weight. And then everybody was like, no, that was Keemstar who brought attention to the fact that Eugenia Cooney was dying in front of our eyes. And that became a bit of a spout. Everybody was sucking Keemstar's dick, though, and that made me uncomfortable. I really hate Keemstar. I think he's fucking gross. Maybe he's doing good stuff behind the scenes that nobody can see, but I think he's a fucking faggot. 1:19:07 Unknown_08: Eugenia is recovering. It's really weird knowing that I've seen her vagina. Unknown_06: You know what I mean? It's like when I look at, um... Who's that annoying bitch from the Hunger Games? Unknown_08: You know what I mean? He does have a very annoying personality, and he's very self-congratulating and self-obsessed. Unknown_06: Jennifer Lawrence. Thank you, Asu. I've seen Jennifer Lawrence's asshole. And I've never seen a butthole that made me depressed. You know, I thought J-Law was really hot when she was in the Hunger Games. And I'm thinking, I'd really like to see her butthole. And I saw her butthole during the first celebrity leak. 1:19:40 Unknown_06: And it was just a butthole. And I was like, I experienced a cosmic existential crisis over the lackluster nature of Jennifer Lawrence's butthole. Now, every time she opens her fucking mouth, I'm just like, I've seen your asshole, lady. You have no power over me. I've seen you. Unknown_06: I've seen where you shit. And it was just like every other shitter. 1:20:14 Unknown_08: Stupid bitch. Shut the fuck up. Unknown_08: I'm like Ken Boone. Unknown_06: I've seen Eugenia Cooney. Her vagina taught me something very important about human biology. Unknown_06: And Eugenia's vagina taught me that fat is not stored. 1:20:47 Unknown_06: on the vagina that's all skin because despite the fact that she was probably 70 pounds it was still puffy I'm like oh so there can't be any fat there if it was fat it would be like depressed and deflated so it has to be all flesh and that's uh that was my takeaway from that it was it was surprisingly puffy that's just uh just the facts Unknown_06: You can't get mad at me for stating the fact. Unknown_06: It's all about the digestive system. You sound like common filth. Whenever common filth goes like, yeah, there's nothing more empowering than dumping my genetic material in the exit point of a digestive system. Unknown_08: If you just want to donate without going through hoops, you should go to, where is it? 1:21:47 Unknown_06: Where is it? Where's my link? Oh, it's on the foreground. We could go to here. Unknown_06: There are no hoops on that particular website. You just put your credit card information into it, and I get it. I don't get your credit card information. I get your money. Unknown_06: I never look at your credit card information. Unknown_06: Okay, I think I'm done. I think I'm done, because I'm just going to start thinking about how YouTube... I'm about to go dirty dog on YouTube. I'm going to be like, Susan Wozniak, you've wooed your last woo. 1:22:23 Unknown_06: Now you're going to meet my harrier jet, Susan. Unknown_06: You just arrived. Well, nigga, you late. Unknown_06: That's the fact of the matter. Unknown_06: Use the late negative. Unknown_08: All right. All right. Let's open the chest. Unknown_08: The chest is opening. 1:22:59 Unknown_06: It's going to take another 20 seconds. I didn't add more to it. I usually do. I should have. Unknown_06: I should have added. I usually add 100 to it. It's the same as it usually is. Unknown_06: The Gibbs. Unknown_06: The Gibbs. Everybody's going to get their Gibbs now. Unknown_06: You're going to get your pension. Unknown_08: Your disability. Unknown_08: All right, Action Jackso got four. 1:23:33 Unknown_06: Esu got two and a half. Unknown_06: Boldy Spicy got 2.2. Irver got 1.9, and Felix Flex got 1.8. You got nothing? Unknown_06: Well, that's how the Gibbs lottery works, boy. Not everyone gets their Gibbs. You must be a white to consider being black. Oh, you know, that reminded me. Okay, this is super late, but it just reminded me of something funny. From the original, the Vox thing about the 37-year-old tranny. 1:24:08 Unknown_06: Oh god, where is it? Unknown_06: And the longer I put off transitioning, the easier it became to say, oh, maybe this latest arbitrary sign is the reason I shouldn't do this after all. Being a white man in America is to have everyone see you, notice that you're wearing a sweater, and then ask if they can turn the temperature down 10 degrees to make you more comfortable. Do you really want to be one of the people rubbing your arms to scare off goose flesh? 1:24:45 Unknown_06: number one that is one of the worst written paragraphs i've ever read number two to say that being white in america is like a sweater implies you can take off the sweater it means that you can take it off it means that you know what you know what's really like a sweater when your gender is completely fucking arbitrary and you can change it whenever you want and you can stop fucking bothering people about your fucking pronouns, that's like a sweater. That's some shit you can fucking stop any fucking second. You know what you can't stop? You can't stop being white. Because if I took grease and I fucking rubbed grease all over my face to look black, you'd fucking get mad about that shit too. So shut the fuck up about this sweater bullshit. Miss fucking know my pronouns. Mr. fucking Todd. Todd. Emily. Vondervulf. Fuck you. 1:25:22 Unknown_06: Fucker. Unknown_06: All right. All right, enough with this. Enough with the angry. No more bad feelings over here. 1:25:57 Unknown_06: We're gone gonzo now. Unknown_06: I'll see you next week, my friends. Unknown_09: Pick it up Pick it up Pick it up Pick it up Let us in I'm high Pick it up Let us in Let us in Don't be what you want to Don't be what you want to Don't be 1:26:53 Unknown_09: Take it off, take it off, take it off, off Take it off, off, off, off Take it off, off, off, off Take it off, off, off, off Take it off, off, off, off Take it off, off, off, off Take it off, off, off, off Unknown_06: You don't like fucking Joji? Fine, fuck you, motherfucker. Unknown_02: You came down to this southern town last summer To show the folks a brand new way of life But all you've shown the folks around here is trouble And you've only added misery to their strife 1:27:56 Unknown_02: Your concern is not to help the people And I'll say again, though it's been often said Your concern is just to bring discomfort, my friend And your policy is just a little red Now, ain't I right? Unknown_02: It matters not to you how people suffer And should they you consider that again Unknown_02: You bring a lot of trouble to the town and then you leave That's part of your communistic game I detect a little communism I can see it in the things you do Communism, socialism, call it what you like There's very little difference in the two 1:28:47 Unknown_02: I forgot the stickers. It's been a disaster. I was confused. Apologies. Unknown_02: A priest, a nun, a rabbi, and an educated man Have listened and been taken in by you All the country's full of two-faced politicians Who encourage you with words that go like this Burn your draft card if you like, it's good to disagree That's a get-acquainted, communistic kiss Now, ain't I right? 1:29:27 Unknown_02: One politician said it would be nice to send some blood And help the enemy in Vietnam That's what he says, here's what I say Let's just keep the blood Instead let's send that politician mad Let's rid the country of the politicians Unknown_02: Who coddle tramps that march out in our street Protesting those who want to fight for freedom, my friend This kind of leader makes our country weak Now ain't I right? Ain't he right? Unknown_02: Ain't he right? Let's look and find the strong and able leaders It's time we found just how our neighbors stand If we're to win this war with communism Unknown_02: let's fight it here as well as vietnam let's rise as one and meet our obligations so communistic boots will never trod across the fields of freedom that were given to us with the blessing of our great almighty god across the fields of freedom that were given to us with a blessing 1:30:40 Unknown_02: Of our great almighty God